Explore our comprehensive list of sustainability certifications, compiled to guide and enhance the practices of the floriculture industry. Here, you’ll find a diverse array of certifications, encompassing specific standards for floriculture as well as wide-ranging sustainability principles. This expansive collection is an invaluable tool for businesses seeking to align with sustainable and responsible practices. It serves as a bridge connecting your commitment to sustainability with globally recognized standards, helping to foster a holistically sustainable future in floriculture and beyond.
Additional Standards Information:
Here is a comprehensive list of certifications globally in floriculture: Visit each site for more information.
Social and Environmental Certifications
Sustainable Agriculture Certifications
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) sare.org/
The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), supported by the US Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, empowers farmers to enhance profits, sustainability, and wellbeing through grants, education, and training to support research and projects promoting sustainable practices in US farms and ranches. This encompasses soil quality, conservation efforts, water and energy efficiency, and the overall health and safety of individuals and animals in agriculture, as well as creating employment opportunities.
AmericanHort Sustainable Grower Program americanhort.org/membership
Through its membership, it offers pest certification, landscape certification, and a sustainability certification through More Profitable Sustainability (MPS).
FloraLife Sustainable Grower Program floralife.com/sustainability/
The FloraLife Sustainability Program is committed to reducing the environmental footprint in the floral industry. Their sustainability plan focuses on key commitments like climate change, water stewardship, product portfolio, sustainable packaging, and stakeholder awareness. Join the movement by minimizing waste and making a positive impact on the planet through responsible flower growing, processing, and distribution practices.
Canadian AgriScience Program agriculture.canada.ca/en/programs/agriscience-program-clusters
California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) ccof.org/
The California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) certification program works to promote organic agriculture in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and is best for floricultural growers and producers seeking to engage in the organic agriculture sector. Certified operations contribute 2% of fees to the CCOF Foundation, supporting organic scholars, offering financial aid to farmers, creating educational programs, and promoting consumer awareness. Certification options include Organic Certification (ideal for displaying USDA seal), OCal Cannabis (for licensed cannabis operations in California), and Regenerative Organic Certified® (for those meeting Soil Health & Land Management and Farmer & Worker Fairness standards). They also provide programs through GLOBALG.A.P. for farms to meet the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard (v6 being best for the floriculture), and the Option 1 & 2 Multisite with Quality Management System (QMS), best for individual or groups of producers for efficient inspection. They also provide PrimusGFS (GAPs) certifications for farms, focusing on employee practices, efforts to reduce adjacent land risks, water quality, agricultural inputs and more, and Harvest Crews to cover safe harvesting and handling practices for harvest crews.
Demeter USA Biodynamic Certification demeter-usa.org/certification/
Demeter USA is the only certifier for Biodynamic farms and products in America. It is part of a world-wide organization, Demeter International, that was first formed in 1928 and named for the Greek goddess of agriculture, to advocate Biodynamic agriculture and to certify Biodynamic farms. Demeter remains the oldest ecological certification organization in the world, active in fifty countries around the globe.
Demeter was incorporated in the USA as a non-profit in 1985. While all of the organic requirements for certification under the National Organic Program are required for Biodynamic certification, the Demeter standard is much more extensive, with stricter requirements around imported fertility, greater emphasis on on-farm solutions for disease, pest, and weed control, and in depth specifications around water conservation and biodiversity. As consumers gain more understanding about the Biodynamic requirements and more experience with the quality of Biodynamic products, farmers and brands are beginning to feel that Biodynamic certification is all they require.
BioGro New Zealand biogro.co.nz/
BioGro has been at the forefront of the organics movement, as we aim to simplify organic certification through innovation allowing producers to display NZ’s most trusted organic logo, giving consumers trust in the mark of a genuine organic product. We provide a service to over 900 certified organic producers, with a team of organic experts that are committed to assisting your business in gaining organic certification through our stringent organic standards.
Packaging Certifications
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) anz.fsc.org/packaging
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification is developed to support sustainable forestry and responsible forest management for long term economic, social, and environmental viability. The standards, which provide a foundation for all forest management standards globally, are committed to ensure compliance with all relevant laws, improved worker and Indigenous wellbeing, community support, the restoration, maintenance, and conservation of ecosystem and environmental values in managed forests, and more. FSC certification on products or packaging signals responsible forest management, preserving biodiversity and ecological processes. Certification is available to a wide range of stakeholders including manufacturers, retailers, brands, and forest managers.
American Forest & Paper Council (AF&PC) afandpa.org/afpa-mission-and-vision
The American Forest & Paper Council (AF&PC) is committed to sustainable paper and wood products. Packaging created by AF&PC is committed to sustainable forestry practices, and is made from renewable sources such as recycled paper fiber and trees that are replanted for a sustainable supply.
Water Stewardship Certifications
Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) a4ws.org/
The Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) certification is a global framework for all water users, regardless of size or location, to understand and manage water use responsibly. It helps sites improve water management by addressing shared challenges and risks, focusing on five key goals: good water governance, sustainable water use, water quality, important water areas, and safe sanitation. Implementing AWS standards helps sites understand water impacts, reduce operational and supply chain risks, adopt responsible practices, engage with local water related stakeholders, and address shared catchment challenges. AWS Standard certification offers three levels: Core, Gold, and Platinum. Meeting all core criteria is the minimum requirement. Extra points are awarded for advanced performance, determining the level of certification. Advanced Indicators and higher-level certification show the ongoing commitment and improvement of water stewards in response to local water conditions.
Energy Efficiency Certifications
Energy Star energystar.gov/?s=mega
Energy Star, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, promotes industries to increase the production and adoption of energy efficient practices. Top-performing manufacturing plants in the U.S., its territories, and Canada can earn certification by achieving a score of 75 or higher using industry-specific Energy Performance Indicators (EPIs). EPIs assess and compare a plant’s energy performance with similar facilities, and receiving a score of 75 or higher places them in the top 25 percent of energy efficiency. In the context of floriculture, relevant certification focuses on the Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plant Energy Performance Indicator.
Green Globes thegbi.org/
The Green Globes – Green Building Initiative (GBI) program supports all types of commercial real estate to achieve environmental sustainability. GBI’s standards result in lower energy and water costs, reduced emissions, optimized health and wellness benefits, and reduced waste. The Green Globes rating system, guided by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), measures a building’s commitment to resource efficiency, environmental impact reduction, and occupant health and wellness. A building can earn ratings including One Green Globe (35-54%), demonstrating a strong commitment, Two Green Globes (55-69%) indicating significant achievement, Three Green Globes (70-84%) showing outstanding success, and Four Green Globes (85-100%), showing world-class leadership in resource efficiency, environmental impact reduction, and improving occupant wellness. Meeting GBIs standards demonstrates a strong commitment to environmental, social, and regulatory compliance with state and federal requirements.
Environmental Management Systems Certifications
ISO 14001 iso.org/standards/popular/iso-14000-family
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides standards that are accepted globally by third party certifications. The ISO 14001, which can be implemented by organizations of all types and sizes, focuses on environmental management systems. This concerns all the ways an organization interacts with the environment in its operations, such as waste management, water and sewage, soil, resource use, and more. This standard provides a framework for organizations seeking to improve environmental performance through increasing resource efficiency. Organizations can benefit in many ways including from reduced resource consumption, a more systemic legal compliance, and improved environmental performance.
EMAS commission.europa.eu/index_en
The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), developed through the European Commission and one of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal, is a management system and audit scheme that works to improve the environmental performance of an organization in order to improve its sustainability. Organizations registered with EMAS benefit from improved credibility, environmental risks and opportunities management, environmental and financial performance, and employee empowerment.
This list is not exhaustive, but it covers the most common floral certifications globally. Floriculture businesses can choose to pursue certification based on their specific sustainability goals and priorities.
BloomCheck bloomcheck.org/
The BloomCheck certification program ensures the sustainability of America’s flower farmers. They assess flowers for sustainable standards in water, air, and soil quality, wildlife protection, and social impacts on workers and communities.
**BloomCheck is the only program designed to exclusively certify the sustainability of America’s flower farmers, starting with California”, “Other sustainability programs in the floral industry, Veriflora, Florverde, Rain Forest Alliance, etc., all provide certification for imported products.**
Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) wbasco.org/en
Business Alliance for Secure Commerce, is an international business alliance that promotes safe trade in voluntary cooperation with Governments, border agencies, control authorities, and international organizations. In BASC, companies from all over the world who are convinced on working for a common purpose will be able to participate, by their commitment, they strengthening international trade in an agile and secure manner by applying internationally recognized standards and security procedures.
Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) Code of Conduct amfori.org/en/solutions/social/about-bsci
Amorfi BSCI provides a Code of Conduct with a set of values and principles that help amfori members improve their own policies and practices, such as updating purchasing contracts to conduct business responsibly. These principles apply to all sectors worldwide and comply with international regulations (e.g., International Labour Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights).
Carbon Trust carbontrust.com/what-we-do/product-carbon-footprint-labelling/product-carbon-footprint-label
This certification verifies that a brand is working to measure and reduce a product’s carbon emissions, providing customers with verified information about the carbon impacts of their purchasing decisions. The aim of the footprint label is to support informed decision-making by consumers, and to support value chain decarbonisation through informed procurement in business contexts. They achieve this by helping companies to differentiate their products with an independent verification. This can verify a lower footprint when compared to other products or demonstrate yearly reductions in emissions.
EHPEA Code of Practice for Sustainable Flower Production ehpea.org/code-of-practice/
The Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association Code of Practice is the result of an initiative taken by the sector to introduce a voluntary system of continuous professional and technical development, monitoring and self-regulation into the sector and is designed to address market and civil society concerns about standards for social and environmental performance in the sector and also to guide the sustainable development of the sector .
Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code / SMETA ethicaltrade.org
EU Organic Farming agriculture.ec.europa.eu/farming/organic-farming/becoming-organic-farmer_en
All food producers, processors or traders who wish to market their food as organic need to be registered with a control agency or body. The control agency or body is responsible for verifying that the operator acts in compliance with organic rules. Each EU country can decide whether this is a public or a private body but they all check that the European Union’s rules on organic production are followed.
If you wish to become an organic farmer, you must be certificated through a control body.
This involves a yearly inspection and a set of checks to make sure you comply with the rules on organic production.
Fairtrade International fairtrade.net/product/flowers-and-plants
Fairtrade International is a global organization that advocates for the sustainable livelihoods of farmers and workers and their products. Fairtrade-certified flowers help support fair working conditions, workers’ rights initiatives, community development, and environmentally friendly management.
FlorEcuador florecuador.com/
The FlorEcuador Certification, issued by Agrocolidad, ensures Good Agricultural Practices in the export sector in the production and marketing of Ecuadorian flowers. This certification guides businesses in waste reduction, improved resource use, and compliance with Ecuadorian environmental regulations for flower production.
Florverde florverde.org/en/home/
Florverde Sustainable Flowers sets social and environmental standards for the production, manufacturing, distribution of flowers in Colombia. Fresh cut flower producers, regardless of size, can be certified if they meet standards addressing management, labor rights, education, health and safety, water and soil management, pesticide handling, waste, biodiversity, and energy efficiency.
GlobalG.A.P. globalgap.org/uk_en/
GlobalG.A.P. sets internationally recognized agricultural standards for consumer, worker, and environmental safety. Certifications on behalf of GlobalG.A.P can be met through their Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standards for flowers and ornamentals, which ensures responsible farming practices across all production stages. Available for all farm types, including smallholders, and various products and production systems.
GRASP globalgap.org/what-we-offer/solutions/grasp/
GRASP, the Global Risk Assessment for Social Practices, advocates and works to strengthen human/labor rights in global supply chains. It assesses workers’ voices, human and labor rights, and child and young workers’ protection, aligning with the UN’s Business and Human Rights Principles and the core labor conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
MPS-ABC my-mps.com/diensten/mps-abc/?lang=en
MPS-ABC can serve as both a sustainability certification, or as a data collection & benchmarking tool. Allowing growers to assess and compare their sustainability efforts. Certification is earned through a point system by tracking use of crop protection agents, fertilizers, energy, water, and waste.
MPS-GAP Certification Scheme my-mps.com/diensten/mps-gap/?lang=en
MPS-GAP is an entry certificate that allows deliveries to be made to international retailers. With this certificate, you comply with requirements in areas such as traceability, environment, crop protection agents and recall procedures. MPS-GAP is benchmarked against GLOBALG.A.P. and meets the FSI requirements. To obtain the MPS-GAP certificate you must be an MPS-ABC participant and you need a valid MPS-ABC qualification.
MPS-SQ my-mps.com/diensten/mps-socially-qualified/?lang=en
MPS-SQ, aligned with FSI Social standards and guided by the International Labour Organization, ensures good working conditions and that floriculture businesses meet social requirements.
Ornamental Horticulture Assurance Scheme – OHAS hta.org.uk/ohas
**Previously BOPP (British Ornamental Plants Producers) Grower Standard**
OHAS is the only certified scheme in the UK solely relevant and dedicated to ornamental horticulture. Unlike other generic quality schemes, OHAS standards are specifically designed to meet the specialist needs of our industry. They are managed by a dedicated committee and team which means the standards are designed for and can react to specific technical requirements within our industry.
Rainforest Alliance rainforest-alliance.org/
Rainforest Alliance certifications provide certifications for both farmers and supply chains. This standard is designed to guarantee ecosystem and wildlife habitat protection, water and soil conservation, safe working conditions, and assure positive relationships with rural communities and wildlands.
Social Accountability International SA8000 Standard sa-intl.org/programs/sa8000/
The SA8000 Standard is the world’s leading social certification program. The SA8000 Standard and Certification System provide a framework for organizations of all types, in any industry, and in any country to conduct business in a way that is fair and decent for workers and to demonstrate their adherence to the highest social standards. Created by SAI in 1997 as the first credible social certification, it has led the industry for over 20 years.
South African Standard for Sustainable Agriculture siza.co.za/
SIZA, the Sustainability Initiative of South Africa, provides a platform for agricultural stakeholders to ensure ethical and environmentally sustainable trade. This platform monitors care for the environment and compliance with labour legislation. Our aim is to encourage continuous improvement in practices over time in excess of the minimum legal requirements. We engage directly with our stakeholders throughout the value chain in order to manage risks and identify needs and issues. Interventions and support tools are created by measuring member compliance over time.
USDA National Organic Program ams.usda.gov/about-ams/programs-offices/national-organic-program
NOP is a federal regulatory program that develops and enforces consistent national standards for organically produced agricultural products sold in the United States.
NOP also accredits third-party organizations to certify that farms and businesses meet the national organic standards. These certifiers and USDA work together to enforce the standards, ensuring a level playing field for producers and protecting consumer confidence in the integrity of the USDA Organic Seal.