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industry guide

Lighting (Coming Soon)

Lighting is a helpful manipulation tool for controlling plant growth but it is also a necessity in the workplace and in each building.

Lighting in a greenhouse is a necessary tool used with temperature and humidity to manage plant development and height for floriculture crops. However, lighting can be cumbersome to manage and can have high energy costs. To complicate matters more, switching lighting systems to more efficient technologies can also be cumbersome and economically unfeasible. This is a common challenge in floriculture that can be addressed step-by-step.

Sustainable lighting design matches the amount of quality of light to the function of a space. Sections of lighting for different areas or different functions should be on separate controls, to allow users of a space to decide how much light is needed. Task lights should be installed where needed, and ambient light reduced elsewhere. Occupancy sensors that automatically turn lights on and off as needed can reduce energy use while having a minimal impact on building occupants. Opportunities for daylighting should be maximized, while controlling glare and unwanted heat gain.

Within these guides, we provide details on how suppliers, transporters, and retailers can optimize lighting within functional work spaces. We also provide the most up-to-date literature and insights from lead experts on lighting in the greenhouse and outdoor environments.

Coming Soon! Lighting Guide

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